A Discussion of the Importance of Flu and Pneumonia Vaccine for the Elderly

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Lesson Description: Pneumococcal infection in the elderly is a primary consideration, emphasizing the need for prevention. The flu or influenza vaccine is a proven and effective method for maintaining health, preventing diseases, and even saving lives. As individuals age, there can be a higher risk associated with influenza. For this reason, elderly individuals, aged 60 years and above, are advised to receive a flu vaccine annually. The influenza vaccine is offered free, especially to the elderly. Contact your local public health officer or doctor to receive the flu or influenza vaccine shot.

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The influenza vaccine is safe. In fact, the vaccine contains dead influenza viruses, which cannot cause the flu. Typical reactions to the vaccination include soreness or redness that may last for two to three days after the vaccine has been administered.

Behavioral Objectives: The elderly may not be aware of the existence of the flu vaccine. Therefore, the objective of this lesson is to raise awareness while simultaneously providing basic methods that patients could utilize before they receive the vaccine. The elderly population is larger now than ever before and statistics show that globally this group has increased from 7 to 12 percent. This segment of the population presents unique challenges for the public health system because they often suffer more frequently from severe illnesses than younger individuals. The cognitive objective is to ensure the thinking of this aging demographic is geared towards the healing process while using motor actions to demonstrate and implement the steps.

Affective Objective: By the end of this lesson, the students are expected to be well informed about the significance of the flu and influenza vaccine. As adults, they should steer the community towards receiving the vaccine and protecting future generations.

Outline and Teaching Methods:


  • Types of elderly vaccinations (for this case, discuss only the flu vaccine/PNX vaccine).
  • The importance of the flu vaccine.
  • When and where to get the vaccines.


Methods: Since this group primarily comprises the elderly, demonstration will be used as a teaching method. This may be aided by visual presentations and the use of charts and diagrams. A blackboard will be handy for drawing charts and creating visual presentations.

Classroom layout and grouping of students: The students are predominantly elderly individuals who are above the normal learning age. Some students, however, are young and need special attention. The class includes students of all ages and requires proper attention. For these reasons, the class should be grouped according to students’ level of understanding. Some will require special attention to internalize the concepts, and this support will be offered during their free time.

Performance indicators: The national subjects have been revised multiple times, and students can now choose between optional subjects for improved academic performance. This allows students the flexibility to excel in fields they are comfortable with in order to achieve high grades.

Learner assessment: All students will be assessed after every lesson by answering short structured questions. Throughout the lesson, students will be encouraged to participate actively. They must submit reports on their progress and turn in their notes for verification each week. These submissions should include databases, drawings, slideshows, discussion questions, etc.

Summary: The class was successful, as most of the members participated actively. The short structured questions were distributed, with most students answering all the questions. However, some required private assistance.

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A Discussion of the Importance of Flu and Pneumonia Vaccine For the Elderly. (2022, Dec 15). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/a-discussion-of-the-importance-of-flu-and-pneumonia-vaccine-for-the-elderly/